The Importance of Travel for Property Managers: Insights from Sunshine Ellis

The Importance of Travel for Property Managers: Insights from Sunshine Ellis



Travel can be incredibly beneficial for property managers, providing inspiration, new perspectives, and opportunities to recharge, leading to improved service to tenants, new ideas for improving properties, and overall well-being.

The Importance of Travel for Property Managers: Insights from Sunshine Ellis

As a property manager, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind of managing properties, dealing with tenants, and handling maintenance issues. However, taking time to travel can actually be incredibly beneficial for property managers, as it allows them to gain new perspectives, recharge their batteries, and find inspiration for their work.

Sunshine Ellis, a successful property manager based in Arizona, is a great example of how travel can benefit those in the industry. During a recent interview, Ellis shared about her favorite travel experiences, including a memorable trip to Sydney, Australia. She described the trip as "an experience that was enough to make me want to even move there."

Ellis's trip was full of exciting activities and beautiful sights. She and her husband dined at a high-end restaurant that offered a breathtaking view of the entire city. Ellis also enjoyed shopping, visiting the pier, and eating at an Italian restaurant. They visited museums, the botanical gardens, and even got to attend an opera. The weather was perfect, making the trip even more enjoyable.

But it wasn't just the activities and sights that made the trip memorable for Ellis. It was also the exceptional service she received from the staff at the various locations she visited. She emphasized that what impressed her most was the sincerity of the staff, who made her feel like she was more than just another number. They took the time to get to know her and her preferences, which made a huge difference in her overall experience.

This experience taught Ellis the importance of providing exceptional service to tenants and residents. As a property manager, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and forget that tenants are people with unique needs and preferences. By taking the time to get to know tenants and provide personalized service, property managers can create a positive living experience for residents, leading to higher satisfaction and tenant retention rates.

In addition to providing inspiration for providing exceptional service, travel can also help property managers gain new perspectives and fresh ideas. By experiencing different cultures, cuisines, and lifestyles, property managers can gain a broader understanding of the world and the people they serve. This can lead to new ideas for improving properties and providing better service to tenants.

Travel can also be a great way for property managers to recharge their batteries and alleviate stress. The property management industry can be demanding, and taking time away from work to relax and recharge can help prevent burnout and improve overall well-being.

In conclusion, travel can be incredibly beneficial for property managers, providing inspiration, new perspectives, and opportunities to recharge. By taking time to travel and experience new things, property managers can improve their service to tenants, gain new ideas for improving properties, and improve their overall well-being. So if you're a property manager, consider taking a break from the daily grind and planning your next adventure.

Ray Stoeckicht


Ray Stoeckicht

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